Do you feel like sometimes gravity is getting you down? Where your body isn’t moving like it once was, experiencing aches and pains, or have another form of condition which makes it hard to be physically active? Well come on into the water with me and I’ll tell you about something called hydrotherapy.
Hydrotherapy is a water-based therapy to help treat and manage chronic conditions and diseases, including arthritis, poor mobility, muscle aches and other conditions. It combines physical properties of heated water (≥33°) with a health professional’s knowledge and skills of human physiology. Hydrotherapy is a fantastic form of treatment to begin with if you are finding land exercises too challenging and aqua aerobics too strenuous.
What does it feel like? Well, besides being in an enormous spa bath, you feel like you can do more exercise than usual! How? Well hydrotherapy…
Minimises impact on joints due to the reduced weight bearing impact, where you will be able to move freely and do movements you thought you could not.
Increases muscle strength from weight bearing or water resistive exercises.
Improve range of motion from the compressive properties to help with oedema and get those joints moving more freely.
Minimises aches and pains with the heat to help ease pain and relax your muscles.
Overall focusing on slow, controlled, relaxing exercises to have you move or float with purpose.
Would you benefit from hydrotherapy?
The beauty of hydrotherapy is that it is for everyone! No matter your age, condition or disability, an Exercise Physiologist can assist you to get moving. A range of conditions such as musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological or mental health are some of the patients we help move with purpose in the water.
How can an EP help?
We as Exercise Physiologists have a vast knowledge of chronic conditions, human physiology, and the benefits of movement and exercise. Based on your symptoms, function, performance in assessment and your goals we have identified during the initial assessment, we determine if hydrotherapy, and what exercises will be best suited to you.
What does a hydrotherapy session with an Exercise Physiologist look like?
We believe in performing best practice, so you bet we are getting in the water with you, whether we walk with you or help wheel or transfer you into the water. Movements including using your own body weight, the resistance or assistance from the water, or extra equipment like floatation devices may be used in a session.
So….water you waiting for?